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Training Resources

The Open Space is a great place for dogs, so many scents to follow, sights to see, other dogs to meet and greet and unfortunately, livestock and wildlife to chase. Problem is, uncontrolled dogs can also damage the natural environment and threaten other dogs and people. The temptations offered to dogs in the Open Space are differant to those in the controlled environment of your yard or training area.

This page will contain resources useful Training Resources for V&S visitors to the Open Space. In general, we will assume your dog has received "basic" training, Come, Sit, Stay etc. You definately need to achieve that level of training before allowing your dog off leash anywhere.

In the first instance, the Humane Society of Boulder Valley is offering three classes relevanet to the Voice and Sight in the Open Space

Some Training Videos

Every dog is unique and getting some professional, or at least experienced 1on1 advice with training can save a lot of stress down the line.

Here's some tips from YouTube to think about.

Puppy Training from IAMS

Some Interesting Books

Theres a lot of books out there giving advice about training.

Heres some books giving a little extra info which are interesting.

Training Tips

Some tips to try if you are having specific problems

Not everything will work for all dogs, but trying a few things improves the chance of finding the right key. Any suggestions welcome.

Bad Habits

This is at the end because its always worth remembering that dogs are smart and are learning all the time. Sometimes they will learn what you want them to know, sometimes they'll learn on their own.

For example my hunting dog wasn't really bothered about greeting people, there were always more interesting scents to follow. Rangers started checking his Green Tag, and pet him while checking, which he loves. He learned to associate the rangers uniform with petting and started approaching rangers, which resulted in me getting lectured a couple of times as the Boulder Law is that dogs must not approach people uninvited.

Similarly I like to greet dogs I meet, but I'm also aware that in welcoming the dog I may be encouraging "conflictive behaviour".

Whats the answer?

The answer is not only to train the dog in basic behaviour which is easy, but to go the extra mile and train them to understand right from wrong according to local laws. Not so easy, but they are smart.\

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